Fast forward to today. The GI bug has run rampant in our house. We were both exhausted and needed some help. So we asked our Mom to watch Claire today so I could go back to work and Jon could catch up on some sleep.
Well when I got home Claire hadn't had a nap(despite getting up at 0530), yet Jon said he never heard my Mom or Claire all day. Claire was NOT whiney. Went down for a nap with narey a whine and my Mom said she was great all day. This has also happened when Jon's Mom watched her. "oh she was great, never cried, never fussed" We've heard this before. We're not sure what the heck we're doing wrong. She usually wakes up with us, does something wrong and is crying w/in 10 minutes. Seriously. So we've come to the conclusion that we pretty much must suck at being parents.