This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I just want to say...

On this eve of Thanksgiving I want to say how grateful I am for all of you out there in cyberspace. I don't think we always realize how our comments on eachothers blogs really helps during this rollarcoaster. Many times I will be having a hard day, doubtful that this will ever happen...then I read someone else's blog or comment and my faith is restored. I am thankful for all the friends I have met, for all the support I have received. Some of you leave wonderful comments of encouragement on the blog and sometimes I get a private email from someone who says that I have helped them. It's hard to understand how I am helping others when I am just venting or talking about my feelings. BUT I see the connections between us all. Today I had a very bad day at work. I wanted to quit, I still want to quit. But so much is on the line right now I have to stick it out. I will stick it out. I left work early. I drove home ready to crawl into a hole, feeling sorry for sucks...we're still waiting...will this ever end? I kept wondering why my life feels so out of control....
Then I checked my email...and there it was. An email from someone from one of the yahoo groups who also checks out the blog. Her words were so sweet...encouraging...nice. And now my day doesn't seem so bad. It's okay. And it's because of all of you. So when you think that it's no big deal the things we say to eachother, I'm hear to tell you that it is a big deal. Your words may be just what someone needed that day.


redmaryjanes said...

Hang in there with your work situation. I completely understand what you are saying about our adoption network, it is priceless. You are a part of all of it too. Your comments help to get all of us through this crazy journey. So, thanks to you and Happy Thanksgiving!

Tisra said...

I'm glad to be in such good company on this adoption rollercoaster. We'd all be in such a worse spot without each other.

waiting for referral (on the FFC list 04/2007)

Sherry said...

Life can be such a roller-coaster at times! Hang in there & know we are all ridin along with ya:)

Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving:)

Tish said...

How true your words are! I love the way God shows His love for us through other people.

I remember feeling the same way...about work...about the wait...and then one day you get "the call" and all of that is in the past. Now I look back at our time of waiting...and even working at a job I wasn't in love with...and I see how those things were really blessings...and preparation for the tough job of motherhood!

much love to you, may you have a wonderful thanksgiving!

4D said...

I had a very similar situation at work last week. I was right there too. And I came back from the edge with the help of friends like that too.


Gobble, gobble to you and yours!

Keep smilin!

Sarah said...

Hugs to you today, Ann! I'm thankful for you, too.

Deb said...

Likewise we are thankful for you. It's great to have bloggy friends to help build us up.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Abby's Mom said...

Well said Ann! Happy Thanksgiving!

Abby's Mom said...

Well said Ann! Happy Thanksgiving!

Mommy Blogger said...

Hang in there. You are one tough cookie to be as strong as you are with the wait you have had. Know that it WILL appen, you WILL get that call..and all of us here in blogville will be THRILLED!

Lisa said...

Happy Thanksgiving Ann!!

You speak the truth. We all need each other. It's the strength of others that help us through. Until you are in the process of International Adoption, no one knows what we all go through. I for one need all of you to get through this difficult time. We just got approved for Vietnam and we are super happy, but my heart is still in China. I guess God had other plans for us. Just knowing I have you all out there makes my life so much eaiser. Thanks!!!
