This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Surgery Today!!

I'm sitting here waiting to leave for Jon's surgery. He's beginning to get a little nervous. I'm already nervous. I know too much. I want to be the nurse in the room. If they could just let me in so that I could personally position him, that would ease my mind. They won't of course. Jon will be in this "beach" chair for his surgery. If they don't position him right, things could be out of wack so to say. I know, I know these people do this all the time. I must relinquish control. We special requested an Anesthesiologist. Do you think I can special request myself to be the nurse in the room. Maybe if I just wear my scrubs in, I could sneak in and act like a student. Then I could be in the room. Then I'll just quietly sneak out after he's positioned properly. Did I mention "properly positioned". Arrr...I hate to not be in control. Wish him LUCK!!


Monkey said...

Good luck Jon!!!! Hope you heal quickly!

dawn said...

Good Luck Jon. Good Luck Ann....he will be fine and we will be thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Goodluck, Jon! Praying for a quick recovery! Ann I will be thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that everything turned out OK for Jon. Wanted to let you two know that I was thinking about you. Keep us updated. Happy Thanksgiving girlie!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that everything turned out OK for Jon. Wanted to let you two know that I was thinking about you. Keep us updated. Happy Thanksgiving girlie!!