This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Friday, May 25, 2007

We are RE-DONE

Fingerprints-Check-Check-AGAIN!! We left pretty early this morning to get to the USCIS office when they opened. When we got there 10 minutes after they opened, the parking lot was packed, the lobby was packed. I asked the guard about this. He told me that they had 182 appointments for fingerprints today alone. We were not one of them. He told me they opened the doors almost an hour before. BUT that was not the listed hours that were on our form. I was a little nervous that we were in for a very long wait. But for some reason I think the pink form we had, must have put us in an expedited line, because again they said "good luck on your adoption" and we were in and out in a hour. Whew!! Done again. We then had plenty of time to go to an early showing of SpiderMan3 and take a walk around the mall before Jon collapsed in bed after not having had any sleep. While we were there there was this cute little Asian boy around 16 months sitting behind us. He kept tappin us on the shoulder, smiling and flirting. He was sooooo cute. Maybe it was a sign!! Stay tuned....we'll revisit this day in about 6 months, but by then hopefully we'll know about our child. Tootles!!


Abby's Mom said...

It's a good feeling isn't it :O

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Sorry you had to re-do those, but glad it went smoothly. And yes, I agree that little guy was a sign. Keep thinking about his smiling face and know that you will be "tapped on the shoulder" again soon.

C's Mom said...

No more re-fingerprinting for us. By the time these prints are 'old news' we'll have us some babies!!!

Rhonda said...

Ugh, I rememeber when we had to fingerprint AGAIN. Not fun. We are fortunate, because in Anchorage, you don't have to have an appt for fingerprints. But still, its a pain.

Tamara said...

I remember getting refingerprinted too- looong lines for sure and I had an appoinment! Hooray you got yours done without too much waiting :)

Deb said...

Yeah! It's done.
Cute that the little boy was there.

4D said...

Good stuff!!

This must be the last time..unless paperchasing for #2!!

Keep smilin!