This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Drumroll Please!!

When it came down to it, Jon is a Chevy man!! We thought about the four door jeep, but Jon has been wanting a nice truck for forever. (you can click on the pictures to see them bigger/better)
And not only is Jon a Chevy man. He is a big truck man. We had to get not the biggest white boy truck. But a BIG white boy truck we can 4x4 through the dirt and pull a house with.
Here's the cheesy "I got a new truck" look. Now let me just let those that don't know. Jon has as long as I have known him, driven old beat up, cars/trucks, windows don't work with no A.C.
He has been driving in Florida for 2 plus years with no A.C. As an example, we tried to trade in the old blazer(you can kinda see it in the background), the dealership would NOT even take it from us. Seriously we couldn't pay them to take it for us. So that "cheesy" look is well deserved. But we had to get the picture with the sunglasses. This is his "I'm cool you see my new truck?" look.
And for those that think that this maybe wasn't the most practical new vehicle for a couple that has a baby on the way....we made sure you could fit a baby seat in the back!!

I'm super excited for Jon. He's never really had a new vehicle before(I told him that the one that got repo'd doesn't count)


Sherry said...

Yeah a new ride! Your last comment was pretty funny. LOL! Im glad that when Jon drives you around town (for all those pre-baby date nights you better be taking:) you will now have A/C!

*Oh... & good luck getting rid of the Blazer... I've got 1 thats gotta go to!

Monkey said...


Tisra said...

Awwww. Sorry about the vacation. Some things just can't be avoided. Maybe an extra few days on the front end of your trip to Taiwan can be your vacation? Of course, everyone always says that they are too excited to finally have their child in their arms to do that!

Jennifer, Billy,Samantha and Taylor said...

Oh Ann, I am sorry! At least your husband is happy. Happy hubbies are important. You can still drive to Disney?


island jen said... forgot to mention the part where jon says the car is the same color has his eyes...that still cracks me up!!

so excited for you's well deserved!

C's Mom said...

Very nice...that is some cool truckage. Literally, I can't believe Jon has had no AC in FL for two years. This woosie would drop over.

dawn said...

No A/C? How did he do it?

Cool wheels Jon. That baby is going to stylin'

shelley said...

If you had to spend baby money on a truck....that is the truck to get. SWEET RIDE.

Anonymous said...

tell Jon he looks cool w or w/out the glasses next to his ultra cool ride!

redmaryjanes said...

That is a great looking truck! I love trucks, but we live in Michigan, so they are all over up here due to the hard winters and the rural areas.

Chairman Mom said...

SWEET ride! And a/c is a MUST! Good for hubbie! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jon! You are a saint! I could never live without my a/c. I would rather go without a radio/stereo. How exciting for you both.


Jennefer said...

We used to have a truck that was just like that one and M thought it was cool too until I drove it a few times and was unable to park it without hitting the car next to me (this happened three times before we were forced to sell due to my incompetence!).

Pug Mama said...

ahhhhh yes, I man and his new truck - now that's pride!

Annie said...

I'm sorry you had to miss your vacation, but I'm glad Jon got a nice new truck out of the deal!

Deb said...

Awsome new pipes! (Insert Tim Tool Man grunt here!) Yup I agree, gotta have A/C