This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Best compliment EVER!!

I was in the lounge with some friends at work. They told me they were talking about me...great I thought!! We were talking about how I was worried about what I'm going to do with my schedule when we get our child. I'm worried about Jon who works at night and will take care of the baby during the day, until I get home from work.. I'm worried about him getting enough rest...I'm worried...and bottom line...I'm worried. My friend looks at me and smiles....What I ask...Then she gives me the best compliment ever...See Ann, she tells me...this child isn't even here yet and you're worried.....You're already a parent!!

Almost made me cry, it was so sweet, simple and the best compliment EVER!!


Anonymous said...

Your friend is right. You are a parent and your child is already created. Keeping thinking positive, you're lil man will be in your arms shortly.

Anonymous said...

It is very true! Before I had kids I wasn't worried at all. I was so oblivious to how kids would affect my life. You are so smart to be thinking things through, so that you will have a great experience.

C's Mom said...

Funny how that happens. It seems we transition ahead of the game. I don't make a move these days without thinking of how it will affect my daughter.

Later, mama!

Monkey said...

Thats a nice comment from your friend. Its amazing how one starts to make a home for that child we know is coming.

dawn said...

Yes, you are already a mummy. From the moment you send off your paperwork it begins. We don't realise it but it just happens and by the time we see their little faces we are ready.......I promise you, you WILL be ready. You won't think you are but you are.Don't ask me how cos I don't know and I worry about everything.

island jen said...

awww.sweetie..that is the best!

Anonymous said...

Things will all work out. Before we got Cady, my husband used to play online gaming so much that it scared me. I knew that he could be a good parent, but I was afraid that he would not be a parent at all. After we got the referral everything changed. When we got Cady, he was more of a parent than I could dream of. We share parenting 50/50, and both of us do it wantingly. He is the most capible and loving parent I have ever seen. And he hasnt played his online game since we got the referral. :-)

Things have a way of working out...if its for the better and if both people want it to.

Anonymous said...

Definitely, the best parents you guys will make!

TaiwanMommy said...

Dearest Annie Bananie- (Yes, that's you) I'm singing "An-ti-suh-pay-shun...An-ti-suh-pay-yay-shun..." hehehe

I know you want those pictures! And for YOU, I shall post them...

Wanna come to CA and hold MY babies til yours gets here? You're more than welcome. Otherwise, I won't be home to Florida til June or July.. of course, by then, we can have a PLAYDATE!!!


Tamara said...

ahhh- that's so true- your baby will never be far from the front of you thoughts, I'm like you though- I seem to like to worry!

Tao's Mommy said...

Never thought of it like that!! We are Mama's!!!