This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Rumors!! I hate them. But they aren't rumors if they're true right? So I can't say they're rumors. One of the girls on my yahoo group has just said that she rec'd an email from her agency stating that referrals for a boy will be AT LEAST 14 MONTHS!!!!

Did you hear what I said..if not I'll repeat it...


So just shoot me now. That means we'll be lucky to have our child by NEXT Christmas!!
It seems that every couple of months they tack on two months to the wait. So when I say to myself "okay only 3 more months" the next month I have to say "okay only five more months". How does that make any sense? I know that we are supposed to be fluid. But we have been waiting for a child for 4 years now. For 4 years we have been "trying" in some way or another to start our family. For four years now our lives have been full of stress, anxiety, and tears. I want to move past this, have our child and move on with our lives. I don't want to think about it anymore. Is that horrible? I want dirty diapers, crying children, fevers, temper tantrums...throw whatever you want at me. I can handle it, just involve a child in the equation somewhere!!!


C's Mom said...

I'm so sorry, Ann. I know precisely the misery you're feeling. It other way to put it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ann I read your post and tears wear burning in my eyes. Damned delays. I hope that it is just a rumour by the way. I am stuck waiting to. NO progress. Yours in good company..

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Ann! It is just a rumor don't worry things will come your way because you and Jon are good people. And good things happens to good people.

Anonymous said...

I haven't checked in with you for awhile, but I just HAD to encourage you. You're 9 months in, you're not turning back, so don't lose faith. People say all kinds of things but no one can really determine the future. I truly believe your baby will be introduced to you very soon...KEEP THE FAITH!!! We'll be thinking about you,

David and Janalee said...

Ann, When I saw those posts on the board I instantly thought of you. I am so sorry that the wait times seem to be increasing, I will hope and pray that in your case it is not true and that you will get news soon. You are always so strong and a lot of your posts remind me not to take what came so easily to me for granted. You will get there, and when you do that baby will be one of the luckiest babies I know because of you.
Happy Holidays,

Anonymous said...

You're OVER half way there! I know it's hard, but keep the faith! You and Jon are going to make awesome parents!

Kristin said...

It sucks major ass.


But, you'll somehow get through and when you get your boy you will be so relieved that the wait was as long as it was because without it you wouldn't have your perfect babe.

Sounds corny and lame but it is true!

Anonymous said...

Ahh...rumors suck!!! Hated them since high school. Hopefully time will fly and you will meet your little one soon. Keep your chin up!

Annie said...

Ann, I know how you feel. My Mom just made the "we'll be lucky if we have them home by next Christmas" comment too, and I nearly wanted to cry. It just doesn't seem fair. Hopefully, things speed up instead of continuing to slow down. I don't like feeling like we are getting farther from the goal instead of closer.

I'm praying that youll have dirty diapers and a crying baby home SOONER rather tahn later.

Abby's Mom said...

Ann I am SO Sorry! You know we can relate. This totally sucks. Please hang in there.....

Anonymous said...

It sucks! It's not fair! I'm sorry. I hope you are not on the long end of that wait. Don't lose faith. Just keep hanging on.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you mama!! I hate rumors still.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you mama!! I hate rumors still.

NikkiM said...

RUMORS CAUSE SO MUCH GRIEF... THEY ARE LIKE BULLIES WITH WORDS!! Girl, you'll get your baby very soon. I know you will. In my heart of hearts I just want to tell you to tune into your intuition; the little soul may not even be born yet !! Miss you - happy holidays!

Oh - How's the broken Hubby - is he recovering okay?

Tao's Mommy said...

Ann, I hate when the rumours start flying. All these new rules and now the waits getting longer is double tough since it is the holidays!!! You are well on your way, so chin up and your not too far away from the 14 months. And remember they are rumours UNTIL you see it from your agency!! Sounds like its getting as long as China. Keep smilin will be in your arms SOON!!

dawn said...

I just wish someone would stop quit playing games with our hearts. It isn't fair and I have had it. Enough all ready!

Luke Martin said...

Ann, it'll all happen in the right time -- I know everyone tells you this, but it's true. And people will tell you that the wait disappears once he comes home. And it does. But I know that doesn't negate the stress and anxiety of slowly elapsing time. My recommendation is to trust the rumors. What? That's right. That's my one lesson learned through our long wait. As an optimist, 4 to 6 months for paperwork meant probably 3 months, 2 if we're especially good. But it ended up being 7. Imagine that you're hiking and someone tells you that this is your final climb to the summit, and then you reach the "summit" and realize that there are more, steeper hills just up ahead. I'd rather meet that one stranger who says, "You know, I think that there's at least three good climbs ahead of you still. But don't lose hope -- the view is worth the wait." So, I'll tell you that there are a couple more hills ahead. And the view is worth the wait.

Peace to you during this holiday season...

MOM said...

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”- Hebrews 10:35-36

Hang in there. It WILL be worth it. On bad days I just feel like there are no children left in Taiwan for me--but then I remember GOD is in heaven!

I pray for you, Debbie

Anonymous said...

just stumbled upon your blog and read this entry. i so understand your pain. it is soooo painful to try to have children and it fail. and then be excited about adoption and it take soooo long. you sort of just feel like it should be your turn. you are just tired of waiting.
i just remind myself constantly that time flies, even when you are not having fun. your child will be here before too long. hang in there.