This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Saturday, September 01, 2007

It's official....

But now we just have to wait to leave or they won't let us in the door. We still have to pack, but can't leave for a couple more hours.
Poor surgeons yesterday got a countdown of how long they had til I went on vacation. I kept telling them they had to finish because my vacation started in 3 hours, then 1 hour, then 15 minutes. There was no pressure for the resident to close incision, I wasn't breathing down his neck, watching every painstakingly slow stitch. No I didn't. I wasn't turning off the OR lights before he had dressing on. I DID NOT clean up the room and disconnect everything before the official surgery was over. I would NOT do that!!!
Okay, maybe I did, just a little. But darnit they were running behind and it wasn't my fault.
All the batteries are charged, got a new memory card for the camera. We can now take more then 8 pictures at a time, finally. The video camera is set although we don't know how to use it. Jon's about to get us coffee. He is being a little mean and says he won't swim near me in the ocean, lest I attract sharks. Give you two guesses to what that means. Why does that always happen on vacation. I swear God has a wicked sense of humor!!!
Anyways.....gotta pack!!!


Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Happy Vacation! Have a great time, you guys really deserve it!

Monkey said...

Have fun!!!

Monkey said...
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C's Mom said...

Have fun!!!!! Woohoo to a great vacay!

Kelly said...

Have the best time ever!! Really enjoy your trip.

Roy and Lori said...

Have fun!!!!

shelley said...

Hope you get to take 8 million pics..enjoy every minute. It will be your last without a baby.

redmaryjanes said...

Have a great time!

4D said...

Have a great vacation!

Keep smilin!

Jennifer, Billy,Samantha and Taylor said...

I hope you had a blast !!! You deserved every minute of it. You aren't reading this during your vacation are you? Go back to your husband now. Read this later!!!

mellow & yellow said...

Happy Vacation Ann! You earned it!

Sherry said...

Finally girl... Your On VACATION!!! Soak up the sun for me & I'll keep my eye on the news for recent shark sightings. Hehehe...

Jennifer, Billy,Samantha and Taylor said...

Ann, you have been tagged again!


to find out how to continue the game.