This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Court will now commence...

I'm not watching the clock...

I did not notice that it's now 9 am in Taiwan on May 21st.

The thought didn't cross my mind that sometime before I wake our case will be heard.

Nope not me.

I'm not thinking about the fact that in Taiwan right now, soon, our names will be uttered in a court room.

I've not even uttered a thought about the fact that someone is presenting our names in conjection with Claire's.

Not for one moment.


Anonymous said...

twiddle your thumbs. I am thinking good thoughts for you.

TaiwanMommy said...

Annie, your time has come. And it's about darned time, too! Hooray for court day! Hooray for an end to this wait.


Anonymous said...

Time to celebrate! It's court day. It's your turn, enjoy.


Tisra said...

Freak out!- it's okay- your baby girl is making her way to you and that is totally freak-out worthy! :-)

waiting for referral since 04/2007

Anonymous said...

Today's the first time I've left a message, but your last post was so emotional. What an incredible emotional journey you are going through, and yet it will all be forgotten when you hold your daughter in your arms for the first time. Not long now, just hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Today's the first time I've left a message, but your last post was so emotional. What an incredible emotional journey you are going through, and yet it will all be forgotten when you hold your daughter in your arms for the first time. Not long now, just hang in there!

Tish said...

you are so funny!

BTW, I think if you use youtube to post videos while Blogger is down, it should work because the one video I uploaded from youtube is still showing up on my blog.

Just Us said...

Thinking about you today and know that all went well with the court hearing!!!! Kristie

Anonymous said...

Soon Claire will be in your arms..thinking good thoughts for you and Jon!

Farrah said...

Okay so what happened? Have you heard yet??

Impatient Friend waiting....

Anonymous said...

Your loyal blog following must know: HAVE YOU HEARD ANYTHING???? You are in our thoughts + prayers!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is everything ok?
I hope she will be in your arms soon!
The suspense is killing me.