This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It's almost midnight. The trip is planned. I'm tired. We will arrive a couple of days before picking up Claire and then leave at the end of the week. We will be staying a full week. The trip looks brutal, time wise that is. But I am not complaining. I think we did pretty good on our flight costs considering fuel prices are outrages and we did upgrade a little. We only went over budget a little. The hotel now is another story. Jon wanted a particular hotel because...anyhow the story is too long. I bit the bullet and booked the hotel that Jon wanted. We went over budget on the hotel by more then a little. At this point I really don't care because we are bringing our daughter home and that's all that matters.
Our baby shower is not on the day that it was planned. We had to obviously move things because we won't be here. The baby shower is now a baby/welcome home shower/party. I'm sure that everyone will be upset that we will HAVE to bring Claire to the shower.
I'm going to bed now....

**I guess I never actually said it in the last two posts. Yes, we have travel approval!!!!!**


Precious Wonders and Little Monkeys said...

Congratulations! Woohoo yippidy do dah! My oh my what an exciting day! My sister brought her baby to the baby shower and she said it was fantastic! You wouldn't believe how well a shower goes when the baby is actually there! Have a blast packing and preparing (can I jump in your suitcase... j/j... sorta). =0) Sara

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ann what fantastic news! I can't wait to see Claire in your arms where she belongs :)

Anonymous said...

Hoorah for Ann....I'm so happy for you and Jon and Claire!


Kristin said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I thought that I was reading your past two posts wrong!!!! I can't believe that you are already traveling. I am so so so excited for you! I have goosebumps/tears/chills all at once!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of your whole family together!!!! YAY

Jodi said...

I'm so happy and excited for you! I can't wait to see the first family picture!

Tish said...

Awesome!!! July 21st...what a glorious day that will be! I'm excited to hear you travel plans. We stayed in a hotel that ended up being not-so-nice...and we were totally bummed. So you may find the extra money for the hotel is totally worth it. Like some of teh hotels have hot water skickets for making bottles and give you free bottled water every day...some have free internet access...etc. Hope yours is wonderful!!!

Tisra said...

WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!! Hooray!!!!!! I am THRILLED for you. Your time has come, your daughter is coming home! Now hurry up and get READY! :-)

waiting for referral

David and Janalee said...

WOW! I am so excited for you! Maya got to come to her baby shower and it was so great to be able to share her with the people I love live in person and not just have pictures of her. I have the cuteset picture of her with all her loot-boy did she/we get spoiled! Good luck with all you ahve to do.

Anonymous said...

We are soooooo happy for you guys!! Have fun getting ready for the big day!!

Anonymous said...

This is great news. You will make it through. You will have love as fuel.
I want to come to your shower!

Amy, Ryan, Aidan and Lauren said...

Congratulations! You deserve a quick court process after your marathon referral wait. Awesome news!

redmaryjanes said...

How exciting! Wow, I wish we were in your shoes...
Please keep on documenting everything!

William's Family said...

WONDERFUL! I can't wait to follow along and read all about the next phase of your parenting journey.

Kelly said...

Congratulations!! I have been out of town, but this is such great news. So happy for you guys!!

Ashley Winters said...

Congratulations! Your baby girl is gorgeous. May you have a wonderful, memorable trip.

Steve n Coco said...

This is wonderful news!! And so fast! I'm glad you got a break with as long as you had to wait...
Be blessed and have a WONDERFUL trip!

The family of six said...

Wow you had record fast court time! How awesome after your record long wait for referral. Congratulations!!

Jo said...

WOW!!!!! I am so happy for you.

Sarah k said...

OK so what was the hotel???? If you need taxi cards let me know I can send you a set that can be printed and used for almost anything you want!!!! Let me know!!!

JEff said...

How wonderful! I promise the trip isn't bad, because all you can think about is that baby being in your arms. Can't wait to see pics!

taiwanbaby said...

how totally marvelous!!!!!! the end is in sight and you have lots of people waiting to see the first pictures of you holding Claire!!!



J+Di Di said...

Congratulations!!! This is awesome news!!!