This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Friday, February 27, 2009


When you thing of Jello, can't you just hear the old Bill C*sby commercials with jello and all the laughing smiling kids? Everytime I think of it, I sing the jingle in my head. I had given jello to Claire once before, but I fed it to her..this evening she wanted me to put it on her tray so she could feed herself...Seriously though once she felt the jello in her little hands, it was a giggle fest.
What followed could've been a commercial for Jello.

Who'd of thought that the highlight of my day would be watching my little girl eat jello, but it was.


Anonymous said...

adorable, she is so cute. growing fast too, I see.

Tisra said...

Oh my goodness- I can see why that is the highlight of your day! Such GREAT smiles, I can almost hear the giggles through the screen!

waiting to bring Dorothy home

Tish said...

so cute! what a smile! loved reading your recent posts...i remember celebrating when you got THE call!!!! seems like so long ago! congratulations...she is a special little girl!

Phil and Tamara said...

What a little cutie she the smiles!!!