Yes people I am a night shift widow. When I get home from work, I have to be stealth like so as not to wake
the sleeping husband. Diligently working around the house...well not actually working, but that's what I tell him. It's more like hanging out on the computer or scrapping. But, then the magical hour approaches when I get to wake up the elusive sleeping prince. Quietly I approach him, but I must not do it too quickly or I risk a bear like reaction. Softly, almost whisper like.. "Honey? OHHHHH Honey....It's time to get up...time to go to work". If I have done my job correctly, I might get a sweet " alright, I'm up" If not done correctly the big bad bear rears his ugly head "What!?! it's not time yet! I heard you already!!" But most days this princess has done her job right, and gets to spend a magical hour with her prince. Then off to work he goes and I again becomes a night shift widow....