This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Sunday, April 09, 2006

one month down..heh!

So I've waited until after midnight so I could officially say that we have made it through our first month of waiting. One month down...heh heh wasn't too bad...well maybe just a little...well a little worse than a little...kinda a little...did time slow that last really...THAT WAS THE LOOOONGEST MONTH ...EVER!!!!


aandl said...

Congratulations on one month of waiting! I hope and pray that you won't have to wait to long for your referral. Great blog, and I love your 2 very handsome four legged friends:-)
Wishing you a smooth journey to your treasure!!

Amanda said...

High five on one month!!!
This wait is a killer, but we will make it through, and learn alot about patience too!

Hopefully that referral comes quick...

island jen said...

hahaha...just got to skip an hour...

Holly said...

Thanks for your post! You've made it through one month and I wish you and your husband a speedy referral and process. Ours was so fast and we're greatful but almost wished we had more time to prepare. I guess you can never really prepare for a baby. I wish you the best!

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Hi Ann,
Congratulations on getting one month closer to your child! Good luck with the wait and keep reminding yourself of how wonderful it will be to hear Bonnie's voice calling you about your referral. Lucia

Anonymous said...

YAY, one month closer to getting that precious gift into your arms. You are an awesome person Ann and I can't think of anyone sweeter than you to support in this journey. XOXXO your way.


Angela said...

Congratulations on surviving the first month of your wait.

I loved your post on your dogs! Too cute!
