This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Night shift widow

Yes people I am a night shift widow. When I get home from work, I have to be stealth like so as not to wake the sleeping husband. Diligently working around the house...well not actually working, but that's what I tell him. It's more like hanging out on the computer or scrapping. But, then the magical hour approaches when I get to wake up the elusive sleeping prince. Quietly I approach him, but I must not do it too quickly or I risk a bear like reaction. Softly, almost whisper like.. "Honey? OHHHHH Honey....It's time to get up...time to go to work". If I have done my job correctly, I might get a sweet " alright, I'm up" If not done correctly the big bad bear rears his ugly head "What!?! it's not time yet! I heard you already!!" But most days this princess has done her job right, and gets to spend a magical hour with her prince. Then off to work he goes and I again becomes a night shift widow....


Anonymous said...

Hello Ann-E baby!! I loved your little childrens book story. Very cute. I wish you luck tonight with waking up your prince charming. You crack me up girl. Looking forward to you coming down again to scrap with Jen and I. Hope the scrapping is going good. You'll have to send me some of your LO's so that I can lookey. Talk to you later girl.


island jen said...

don't think of it as night shift widow, think of it as ann's scrapbook time!! lol!

Anonymous said...

I am also a night shift widow... and know how precious that hour is! Hang in there.