This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Saturday, July 08, 2006

It's a long distance call on my cell phone.....

So once we were on the waiting list in Taiwan, I began carrying my cell phone into the OR at work. Not really supposed to, but hey the Doctors do it. Besides, I don't want to miss that call. No on really calls my cell phone during the day, they usually just call the unit if they need me. So needless to say my cell phone just does not's just ready for the referral call. I've explained it to my managers and they know why I carry it. We just kinda overlook that right now. So I'm in the OR, doing my work and my CELL PHONE RINGS. Now I know it's waaaay toooo early, but I check the number to see who on earth would be calling my phone in the middle of the day. It's a long distance number!!!! OMG...IT'S A LONG DISTANCE NUMBER....
I don't know the area code for our agency...
BUT it's a long distance number...
My Stomach drops.....My Heart races....I feel the tears palms start sweating...
...for a split second the thought races through my head..
{I know it's early, too early in fact, but you never know...OMG...this is it}
"Hey is Robert there?"
"Robert, who's the @#$! is Robert, I'm sorry you have the wrong number!"
PURE DISAPPOINTMENT....MY stomach dropped again, but this wasn't the "good" drop it had just taken a moment before. I mean I know it's too early, but It WAS a long distance number. I just wanted to call this chick back and yell at her. Doesn't she know that my cell phone is reserved during weekday work hours for: #1 The referral call or #2 A real emergency. I wanted to explain to her that we are waiting on THE CALL. The most important call that we will ever receive. I wanted to tell her our entire life story, how we've tried for a very long time. That we are adopting and her wrong number call has just caused me much distress and disappointment. I wanted to tell her that she can't just go around dialing wrong numbers, the nerve of this girl. I wanted to ask her if she understood this. And please don't make this mistake again. Yes I know...a little on edge..but what can I say...

I know my thinking was a little over the top, but I seriously thought for just a moment that this was the call. Of course it wasn't, it was a wrong number....

But in case anyone is wondering...I'm ready...the cell phone is charged, it's in my pocket ready for that call. So the next time a long distance number comes across the caller id of my cell phone while I'm at stomach will again drop, my heart will race, the tears will flow, my palms will sweat...and when I say "hello"
I'll hear...
"Ann..this is Bonnie.....from FHSA...."


C's Mom said...

Damn! I hate when that zoom of positive feelings smashes into the ground. The call will come. Just make sure you don't pick up and yell 'There's no &$*#ing Robert here!' That sounds like something I might do ;0)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the wrong number coming throught. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it will come through much ealier than you expect.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Ann. I do hope that the call next time and very soon will be Bonnie from FHSA.

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Hang in there. Sorry about that false alarm. When you finally get that amazing phone call from Bonnie, you will never forget it! It's the best phone call you will ever receive and all of this waiting will be so worth it:)

Anonymous said...

I want to yell at her too! "How dare you get this wrong number! Geez. call any number you want, just not this special number reserved only for SPECIAL calls!"

I am sorry. Every time our phone rings I wonder if it is IT too.


Tammy said...

Bummer. I know how you feel. The way I reacted just getting our I-171, I'm going to be a blithering idiot when I get the real important calls. Hope your call comes soon.

TaiwanMommy said...

Umm..hi. This is Robert. Do I have any messages??


You know, my phone rang this week too. And I just KNEW it was the adoption agency. And I looked at caller ID, and sure as shootin'.. it says "HEARTSENT ADOPT" on it. My blood stopped flowing. My hair screamed.(you know the feeling of screaming hair, I'm sure) I answered the phone with shaking hands and voice... Hello?

Liza: Hi Val, it's Liza!
Me: H-h-h-i-i-i L-i-i-z-z--aa-a-a
Liza: I gotta tell you first off, I'm not calling with good news..
(at this point I'm in tears, sure that BM has changed her mind)
...but I'm not calling with BAD news either...just wanted to let you know I'm sending you a video of your daughters.
Me: (sobbing) Oh.. thank you, Liza

She must think I'm a VERY grateful person! hehhehe

BTW- that was Tuesday morning, and the video that was sent Priority Mail for 70 miles away STILL isn't here. Gaaah!!!!!

next time Roberts friend calls, give her my number.


Moving in around the 10th... I hear Margarita's make the wait go by faster, wanna find out? :)