So Ann is still without a computer, so I figure as her best friend, I should continue to hijack her blog until I get busted!! lol!! So hmmm....what should we discuss tonight? about 3.5 things you didn't know about Ann.
1. In high school, Ann used to work for Little Caesar's pizza! To this day, she can tell you how many pieces of pepperoni go on a large pizza!
2. Also in high school, Ann barely gave, her now future husband, the time of day!! I'm serious folks...she barely remembers him.
3. Ann does not like to drive far distances without a map, and alot of visual markers to let her know that she is going in the right direction.
3.5 Ann is actually certified to teach CPR! (I personally did not know this until just a few weeks ago...go figure!) that's my story and I'm stickin' to it! Until next time (or until Ann realizes I've been blogging for her again)...have a good week!!
Thanks for the fill-in. Tell Ann we miss her and if I'm ever having a heart attack I will search her out to save me ;0) Okay, truth be told, she's out of luck...I'm going somewhere close to home!
Thanks, Jen for the update on Ms. Ann. It's so cool to know more things about her.
I knew the hubby part already but I didn't know the others. You're such a fun hijacker. Crack'n me up over here. Can you hijack mine and make it fun.
Hijack sa'more!!! C'monnnn :)
OMGsh! I worked at Little Caesar's too. I feel such a bond now. I can still smell the crazy bread.
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