This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm so not going there...

I'm hearing rumors...
about the wait..
I can't even bring myself to write it.

So I'm not.
I'm just gonna hope...
...and pray

I'm going to choose not to think about it.
Not right now...
Not today.


C's Mom said...

Let's not go there together.

This just really bites.

Kelly said...

I don't know what the rumors are, but I am praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Rumors suck, don't listen. Your time is coming and IT WILL BE SOON!!

Anonymous said...

Just pray my dear friend and your dearest wish will come to you and Jon (because you guys are good people.)

dawn said...

Good for you girlfriend :)

TaiwanMommy said...

Ugh.. try not to bite, Annie. The rollercoaster is THE WORST part of this journey. Really really sucks. Once you have your referral, it still isn't "easy" but it's better. So try to relax, and really, think about a ticket to CA to visit the girls. Playing with a pair of 1 year olds and a two year old should fix you... PLUS I have 1800 pictures and 3 movies of Taiwan we can watch!! hahahhah


Annie said...

If it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one praying! I'm praying for your referral to come quickly too.

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to the ors. Adoption ors change every month. I have ridden the or mill rollercoaster for too long, so I know.

I know its hard. Waiting with you!

Anonymous said...

Sending you good vibes Ann. Breathe deeply.

NikkiM said...

I can't imagine... keep the positive attitude sweetie, you've been doing soo well this far :)

The wait will only make the joy and appreciation that much sweeter ;)

dawn said...

Just checkin in to see how you are and I love the new look!

Anonymous said...

I love your new blog design and I hope that the rumours are wrong. :)

Anonymous said...

Need an Ann update. How are you?

Deb said...

Happy 8th month LID!