This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Sunday, July 23, 2006

He got his game on

Remember this post about the new basesball glove? Well he was able to finally play this weekend with the guys at work. They had a picnic, food and softball. Now we won't mention that after trying to field a ball, he fell over in the grass with the utmost of grace...sorta. But nobody really saw that. We won't mention that today, he told me that it hurt to get out of bed. I will tell you we had a great time and he slammed the ball out to left field several times and hustled faster than most of the younger guys. I will tell you that aside from the spill in right field, he did catch many balls that were slammed his way. Yes he is my baseball star!! YAY!!!


Monkey said...

Glad he got to use his new glove. I'm sure he had a blast. He's an Allstar. lol

island jen said...

yay for jon!! glad to hear he got his game on!

C's Mom said...

Good to see that glove getting a real-life workout :0)

Anonymous said...

Whoopee! Jon's got game!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Jon is doing good with his game. His getting ready for the lil slugger coming your way.

Stacey said...

I just found your web-site. Are you using FHSA for your adoption? We are - but we are adopting from Vietnam. We are still waiting on our referral. If you are using FHSA, what do you think about B - who is in charge of the dossiers?
Good luck with your adoption!