Don't you just want to pinch those cheeks and kiss her neck!! I love love love her face. I've been staring at her pictures for two days now and I couldn't wait to post them any longer. She is just so darn cute. This is my new favorite picture. I can just hear her belly laugh when I look at this.

She was 16 pounds and 24 inches about three weeks ago. She looks so healthy and that's the best thing. She's eating 150cc every four hours. She can hold objects briefly. She initiates vocalization with adults, can lift and hold her head.

Her report also says that she watches her own hands, which I am told is a good thing. Another tug at our hearts thing that Jon noticed right away was that before under Father and Mothers name, it was blank....

NOW.....we are listed as her Mother and Father!!
Bring on the tears....again...
What a beauty! I love the first picture of her laughing. Those updates are such a precious gift when you are waiting through the court process. Thanks for sharing with us.
Oh my word!! She is sooo cute! Look at that smile! Just beautiful.
aww, cute beyond words. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
Ann, she takes my breath away. Your daughter is so beautiful!
Oh MY!! Ann!
I'm so happy for you guys.
She is amazing.
Simply amazing.
Oh my goodness she is a cutie patootie! I love tha laughing pic too. I felt the same way about pinching miss Maya's Cheeks and hey you already got one thing I NEVER did in all of our updates...a smile! What a sweet baby girl!
Congrats mom and dad!
Shw has such a sweet face. So pretty! It also seems like she has a good disposition and is a happy baby.
What a little doll! She looks so sweet! I'll bet you're just chomping at the bit to get her.
She is so so pretty and looks like a happy girl. And you are officially her parents! What could be better?!?!
What a beautiful baby girl you have! Hopefully soon she'll be in your arms!!!
What a cutie!! I have never seen such a huge smile! How adorable!
OH!!! That is such a wonderful photo! I love her expression...sheer joy...she know syou are coming for her!!!
Those are the best photos ever!! She is perfect. Praying for a fast judge.
Oh heck, now you made me cry, too! She's beautiful.
Sweet, very sweet! I think that smile was just for mommy and daddy.
She is so sweet!!!
Claire is so beautiful..she has the best smile ever and looks so happy! I know that makes you feel good. Come on court process...and see what I told ya...the tears will happen a lot!!! Kristie
What a precious angel baby you have... she is beautiful!! Courtney
She is precious!! Absolutely adorable! It is so wonderful that the Taiwan program offers updates. We didn't get that with China. Enjoy!
OMG, She is so beautiful!!! I can't wait to see her in your arms and Jon's! Congrats to your healthy baby girl!
OH Ann! Your dream is coming true! She is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E! I love the pic on your side bar. "Claire Bear" Now that is a clever little nick name and yes I'd love to pinch those cheeks!
I'm so happy for you guys!
She's gorgeous! What a smile!
She is so amazingly beautiful and she looks so happy.
She is so darn cute! I mean honestly, could she get cuter? You have to be just loving this! Great things come to those that wait and you are proof that this saying is true!
Speedy court thoughts!
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