This is our story....of love, life, and adoption

Sunday, July 20, 2008

T minus 2 hours

Two hours until we hold Claire. I've been awake since 3:30am. I can't sleep. We just had breakfast and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm very nervous. I wonder what it's going to feel like. I just want to take a moment to say Thank you to everyone. To our families thank you for supporting us through it all, through indecision about how we were going to start a family, through years of struggling to make ends meet so we could save the money, through this whole adoption process..thank you . We love you dearly. To our friends near and far, new and old, thank you for hoping and praying with us. Thank you carrying our dreams, for holding onto faith when we didn't have any, for shouldering our tears through it all. It has meant the world to us.
It has been 6 years since we first started this journey. 6 years of hoping and praying that we would have a child. 6 years of putting our lives on hold....for this one moment, two hours away.
Thank you for being there with us every step of the way. It's going to be amazing!!!


island jen said...


love you guys!

Michele said...

Congrats! It's not all for just one's for the many, many moments you will have with your daughter. I remember the anticipation I felt when I was on the way to meet my daughter for the first time. Not many days like this one. Take in every moment!
(FEC family, waiting for a boy since 6/07)

Farrah said...

OMG you are amazing..That was an awesome post! Yeah I know I'm easy..

It's almost time, Well actually you probally have her now~! WOOOHOOO

Tisra said...

Breathe- take it all in- you are a family now!

Mark & Mel Harpold said...

Can't wait to see you finally holding your sweet baby girl...your daughter!!! All of the years of waiting, hurting and frustration will fade away and it will be like a dream! Enjoy every moment, hold her, kiss her, smell her, take her all in!!!! She is yours forever!!!

Love to you and your new Forever Family of 3!!!!


Tish said...

HOOOOORAY!!! Can't wait to hear the update...and to see the photos of Claire in your arms!

Anonymous said...

You are holding her right now :) I can't wait to see it for myself. Enjoy every moment with your precious baby, Ann, you deserve it!

Sarah k said...

Ok.. this is just a dangerous blog to read today.. I am just a ball of tears.... I can't stop crying for you with BIG OLE HAPPY TEARS!!!!!!!

Sarah said...

sob sob sob... your readers need more tissue.

The family of six said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy it's finally over!!